Tuesday 5 May 2015

Smartphone with Mental illness

From "Abnormal Psychology" that we have learned in our classroom today, I found that many diseases originate by a stress and loneliness ,and the patients don't have chance to talk about it. Nevertheless, there is a new application that can answer this problems.

According to BBC News " Could smart phones help provide mental health care? '', Lord Darzi,   the current executive chair of the World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) suggests mobile technology could be used to help fill the gap of the heart by using applications in smart phone. For example, an app called 'Viary' which urge you to relieve yourself such as writing a dairy ,talking with therapist and tracks patients' progress over time and location.

In Thai culture, many Thai people with their mental problems can't go to see a doctor by themselves because of  a lot of reasons such as they afraid that everyone will accuse them like a crazy persons that feel very ashamed, or they don't have much time , or another reason is they don't have any advisers to talk and share their serious problems because they might not tell the feeling to anyone, and they want to be alone. Moreover ,I think it has some reasons about capitalism system , everybody have to work hard for a lot of money then, they get more stress and more pressure so people will focus only themselves, don't care another people , this make no one care and really want to help sincerely a person who has mental problem.

In my opinion ,this online application that can accumulate our disorder's data and present the therapeutic progress ,and we can also chat with the therapist  to relieve our depression is very satisfactory us. We don't need to see a psychologist and pay a lot of money. In fact , some mental problems which come from the stress and loneliness can cure by releasing it and talking to someone else but I think the app still have limitations because some disorders need to cure by using medicine and expert's advise for diagnosis.

However, this is the great way to begin helping the patients, it's easy and convenient to use. In the future, I'm surely that the app will be better.
Darzi L. (2015,February 13). Could smart phones help provide mental health care? BBC Health. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/health-31168070


  1. I agree with you that people who suffer from mental illness in Thailand are afraid of other people to look down on; however, I think that the recent situation is better than that of the past because most people accept and notice more about mental illness. I think another factor for the treatment is approaching the health care that is a problem in our country, especially in the rural area.

    In addition, nowadays people get more increased illness because of materialism or capitalism like her opinion. Most people desire to have everything they want and the people may suffer from stress because they try to do everything to get the things they want. So, the mental illness tends to increase. For new innovation, it's a great idea to this generation people because some people don't dare to see a doctor. Also, it's easy to use because most people have smartphone to put the application into your phone; the user just download it into your smartphone and ready to use.

  2. Brilliant connection of our reading in Quest with Gift's chosen article to respond to here.

    Is there anything smart phones can't do?

    1. I think some kinds of mental illness is very complex for diagnosis.The application might not consider right disorder.
      However, it's still better than doing nothing. ;)

  3. I agree that it will be alternative way to cure disorder and not give any pressure. However, mental illness is complex and hard to diagnosis which kind of disorder is. I am honest to say that I do not how many kind of disorder or how symptom is in each kind, but I believe that some kinds have same symptom. Although the application can follow disorder's symptoms, it is still not clear. Therefore, meeting doctor is important.

    1. I wonder how long it will be before expert systems are in fact much better at diagnoses than any human specialist could ever be?
      After all, computers are now better at chess than any human being could ever be, and Watson is now the game intelligent game show king.

    2. I agree that computers are better at chess game. However, computer can automatically calculate statistic that help them know how to checkmate.

      For mental illness, it might not use statistic to explain symptoms.

  4. I think that the concept of online health counseling is very good and practical. However, this applies to some group of peoples only because there are people who can't use computer or are computer-illiterate. In my opinion, a societal belief or misunderstanding that someone who seeks counseling or psychotherapy is mad and abnormal should be fixed first. A short TV ad should be enough to change the misunderstanding and encourage good mental health.

  5. I'm sure that this is a very useful application, and it will help many people cope their mental problems. The best thing is that no one, even their family, would know that they are talking to psychiatrist.

  6. An application that helps you take care of mental illness? Sounds interesting to me, I think I really need one right now.

  7. It's very useful, especially in Thailand. Even thought today Thai people have more courage to go to meet psychiatrist, but majority of Thai still believe that a people that go to meet psychiatrist is a madman. So, I think this app will give much information to help the patients.

  8. Sounds interesting! Maybe in next 3-5 years, this application will be developed better and it can help people who have mental illness and another diseases as well. It might be useful for people who live in the countryside because they don't have to spend more time traveling to the city for seeing a doctor if they use this application.


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