Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Picture Tells Everything

                  Someone said "picture is worth a thousand words", it means that picture tells a story as well as a large amount of descriptive text. Because It's much easier to learn how machines work by looking at pictures, rather than by hearing someone describe them. For example, the newspaper editor decided to devote more space to photographs of the disaster than to text, since a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, we use the pictures to tell the whole story without saying anything. 

                  Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure. For me, I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation. So, I’m not going to say that in order to be successful you need to have images, but it goes a long way in terms of conveying emotion, building a brand image and creating individuality. Pictures have the ability to make us feel happy, excited, disgusted, and curious among other things. We can even reminisce 10, 20, 30 years into the past to a moment in our lives where we were affected emotionally by a specific event simply by looking at an old picture. Images can also warn us or give us clues about to what’s to come.

 According to the news about the earthquake in Nepal recently. That is the worst news in 2015. The Nepal earthquake killed more than 7,000 people and injured more than twice as many. It took place on April 25, 2015 with a moment magnitude of 7.8 or 8.1, it did not easy to deal with because it was the most powerful disaster to strike Nepal. The damage in those villages remains incomplete, with many isolated from rescuers by landslides and severed roads. In central Katmandu, at least 175 residential buildings were destroyed, according to satellite images compiled and assessed by the European Commission’s Copernicus Emergency Management Service. The Nepali authorities estimate that nationwide, nearly 150,000 dwellings collapsed. But larger, modern buildings, including urban hospitals and schools, mostly withstood the earthquake, reflecting more robust construction. 

                 From my point of view, when I take a look at these pictures , the first comes on my mind is sadness, calamity, cruelty and loss. These pictures make me stunned and speechless. I have just lost my mind and I can't tell how i feel right now. A lot of questions pop up in my head, What's wrong with this world? Do they have any choices? or do they deserve such a crazy disaster?

                    Many people who were facing this situation, some of them just lost their families, some of them died, some of them lost their houses, some of them became cripples and also some of them lost everything. That's so cruel. Furthermore, it was a hard time to get through because Nepal is an undeveloped country, their country is quite poverty, they also lack anything such as the public utility, the medical expertise, advance technology and also money to help their people. They are still waiting for powerful countries to lend a helping hand to recover their country.

                 It seems like Tsunami in Thailand, 2004. That was the worst and crazy disaster that we never ever met before, it damaged everything such as beautiful beaches, old architectures, residences and also our lives. It seemed like we lost anything and in that time, hundreds of holiday bungalows have been destroyed on the popular Phi Phi Island. Tourists from all over the world are thought to be among the dead. We had to take 10 more years to healing from this disaster. When someone said about Tsunami, the Tsunami's images still stuck on my head I can't get over it. It still reminds me again and again. Because of my close friend , she lost her family from this disaster. It was such a tough time to accept the worst situation like this.

                However, I do agree that a picture is worth a thousand words. In the different time, the pictures can explain the feeling more than words. Images convey emotion about what you are talking about in a powerfully sensory based way and gives additional depth to your content. Good images create an atmosphere that people want to invoke themselves in and be a part of. I’m sure by now you are well aware of the power images have over the human mind and how proper use of them can convey deep emotional connections with.

                Moreover, they affect how we see ourselves and the world around us and enhance the likelihood that we will take certain actions to stay cohesive with our identity. The pictures are powerful and when used in the right way they can influence our society. So, what about you? Do you believe a picture is worth a thousand words?


In pictures: Nepal earthquake aftermath (2015, April 27). BBC News Asia.
Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-32476820

Hurst, D. (2014, December 26). Boxing Day Tsunami: A survivor's story. BBC News UK.Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-30537152 


  1. To Aoh's question: "do they deserve such a crazy disaster?" I've read others answer, including some "Buddhists" in Thailand, that because Nepalis kill a lot of animals in their religious practices that this earthquake was a divine punishment.
    I wouldn't be surprised if some Christians in the US had made similar morally ugly statements. In the past, and still today, Christians have said that disasters were their God's punishment for sins such as homosexuality, promiscuous sex, and so on.

    The Christians are not only wrong about the causes of earthquakes and the like, but if their god really was like that, it would make him a monster.

    And the idea of Nepalis being punished for killing a lot of animals is weird because every day Thai people kill millions of animals for no better reason than to enjoy their tasty meat. I'm not a Buddhist, but I cannot understand how all this killing of animals is consistent with the first precept of Buddhism. People who eat chicken or beef might not kill that animal with their own hands, but they have ordered and paid other people to kill for them. I don't think mafia godfathers are innocent because they pay other people to kill on their orders: it is the order to kill that causes the killing, both of the godfather's enemies and of the tasty duck I enjoyed last night. When I ordered from the menu and paid, I was effectively ordering more animals to be killed today and tomorrow. Actually, this does worry me a bit.

    Earthquakes, like every natural phenomena, happen for purely natural reasons. Gods and the like have nothing to do with them, and people do nothing to "deserve" such disasters.

    1. That got a bit longer and more serious than is usual with my morning coffee.

    2. I do apologize Peter that i brought such a serious topic to damage your morning coffee.

      Well, I'm not into Religion topic even if I'm a Buddhist.
      I can't say more in this.

      I do know that in Buddhism, when you kill or hurt animals or people , you will be the sinner. Furthermore, if you curse or think something bad to others , you are absolutely the sinner.

      I think it might not be wrong or be the sinner if you kill the fierce animal such as a snake, a scorpion, centipede that it is going to hurt you. You can't let such things as these to harm your life surely.

      I do agree with you that the earthquake is just a natural phenomena. And I don't think that God will be happy to see his people died by giving them the worst earthquake to Nepal. It is not a punishment either.

  2. What the thousand words that the picture on page 165 of Quest say?
    What is the 1,000 word story that it tells?

    1. Peter, I think the picture on page 165 should not reach to 1000 words. Just only 500 words is enough. The picture on page 165 is quite complicated and it seems like something in that picture is missed and it is hard to explain more from I have seen.

  3. I agree with Kwan that picture can explain feeling better that a thousand of words. I've seen some war photos which had been shared in Facebook. I found those pictures very emotional. The pictures themselves can tell the whole stories.

    1. I afraid she is not Kwan lol

    2. Thanks,Jin that you said that.

      Well, I do agree with you that war pictures or disaster pictures are very emotional and sometimes It is quite hard to explain or find the right word to say after you saw.

      Every picture has meaning by itself.

  4. Basically, I don't like to see these kind of pictures. It's not a pleasant thing to look at because it expresses a strong feeling and also a story like you said. Anyway, the pictures are very good taken. I like it.

    1. I don't like to see these kind of pictures either.
      I think it's quite cruel and depressed when i looked at them.
      But one thing that i gained after i watched these pics is I want to spend my worth time with my family as much as I can because you don't exactly know what will happen tomorrow, just be happy and appreciate your way of life is still left. That's all.

  5. I didn't study art or photography so my opinion here might be wrong. I think that a picture which's worth 1000 words must have a great impact on the viewer. It should be something that can't be seen in daily life or something that is totally unimaginable.

    1. I've just realized how long 1000 words are. That's gonna be a long essay! I think 500 words are more than enough.

    2. I did not study and know about art either.
      I think every picture has the meaning by itself.
      For example, when you look at the picture when you were young, some of them will remind you what happened in that time.You might be happy or sad after you have seen it. Who knows!

      You might be having flashbacks of your days in the past.

  6. I really agree with you that pictures can tell story more than words because from your example, Nepal, 100 words can't tell all of the damage that they got, but just 1 picture can do it.

    1. I do agree with you, i think it's too hard to say or find the right word to describe what they have lost. Only picture might be explain more feeling.

      Well, how often did you take a look at your old pictures?
      Do they remind you of something in your life?

  7. A picture can tell a thousand words, a picture can convey what might take many words
    to express. Every picture can tell you the history or memorize. There are so powerful
    communication or express emotion. However it's only one way communication which make
    your friend misunderstand for example “Line Application”,you create picture for you close friend groups but it might not work for other groups. So people will get not true information and expend in social network. Then you should realize that the picture should
    use with careful because it's one way communication.

    1. I do agree with you that pictures is one way communication.
      But sometimes the picture is the good way to explain anything without saying. Because every picture has meaning by itself.
      Just pick the right one and it can tell you a whole story.


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