Saturday 16 May 2015

The Advance of A Car

Are you bored or lazy when you are on the driver seat and in front of steering wheel? In near future, you don’t have to do like that anymore because of self-driving car which can run automatically.

According to “Google purpose-built robot cars tested on public roads” (2015), BBC News reports that. “Google unveil a new prototype of self-driving car”. Google are developing robot car and already “test autonomous vehicles on public roads”; moreover, they allow people to comment their innovation.

Nowadays, a car is an important thing that is necessary for our lives. You can see a car in every place. There are many advantage of car; for example, it makes our travelling easier and more comfortable. However, there are many disadvantages too. Driving a car without carefulness is dangerous and can cause deadly accident.

From the past, a car has been developing continually such as manual transmission to automatic transmission, automatic parking system and car warning sensor. After I read this article, I think it is a rapid evolution in a car technology. I think driving a car in rush hour with traffic jam wastes our time. It is better if we can spend our time to do other thing instead of control a steering wheel all time in the car. However, Google should test it in public place many times for ensure that this innovation can’t cause any accident.

Is it challenging for Google? If they can build robot car perfectly “with the role of the human at the wheel becoming less important over time”, it will change our life eternally.
Google purpose-built robot cars tested on public roads. (2015, May 15). BBC News Technology. Retrieved from


  1. I think it's a great idea ,but it can cause accident easily,if the program or system that control the car doesn't work. Therefore,it will be great,when google set their system with automatic and manual way to drive a car.

  2. May be make a lot of people will lose their jobs as it is replaced by robots. The car price is so expensive cause new innovation and is difficult to buy a new cars. But it is so good idea for convenient travelling and safety.

  3. I've always thought that the disadvantages to owning a car greatly outweighed the advantages, so have chosen to live in places and ways that make it unnecessary to have a car. The last time I drove was one early morning, I think 3:00 AM, through the centre of Sydney because my friends were drunk and had drunk nothing. Otherwise, I haven't driven since I was a high school student, when it was useful to have a car because we lived in the country.

    I'm looking forward to the coming driverless cars, which I'm sure will be safer than human driven cars. For a start, machine drivers don't get drunk, don't exceed speed limits, and generally act rationally.

    Will I get one? No. I'm hoping that there will be masses of cheap, driverless taxis so it will no longer make sense to own a personal car.

    1. You give me a new aspect for me. I don't realize that it is very hi-technology for the present time, so it must cost expensive for most people. Moreover, this innovation may make many people lose their job such as taxi driver and bus driver.

    2. Those seem pretty awful jobs to me. If wealth is created that allows better jobs, as happened in the past when much dirty, dangerous and extremely tedious factory work or back breaking farm work were replaced by machines, isn't that a good thing?
      Would anyone choose the hard life of a traditional farmer when much more rewarding jobs exist?

      I can't imagine that being a Bangkok bus driver is a particularly exciting occupation, however well it might pay. (Does it pay well?)

    3. Although it is not pay well, I think that this job can help jobless people. At least, it help them tp get money for survive. It is important job for poor resident.

    4. I'm hoping that someday there will be a cheap driverless taxi. People will not be afraid of crime when taking taxi at night, and we don't have to risk our lives to aggressive taxi drivers.

    5. If it saves me from aggressive taxi drivers, I'm all for it. In truth, I've had very few bad experiences with Bangkok taxi drivers, although I don't get taxis. If I'm going anywhere near a BTS or MRTA line, those are always my first options. A taxi is next.

  4. This is a fantastic invention. I agree with you that this will improve our lives. But for me, I enjoy driving car, and I've loved it since I was young. In the future, I hope the law will still allow people to drive.

  5. Now I'm already 18 but I still can't drive a car. I think I will start soon, but it would better if I can get that automatic car. So I don't have to drive anymore.

    1. Same as you. I can't drive now. It is more convinient for us if ethere are self-driving car in our home

    2. @Jin : I like your comments. That's very good idea because I am not able to drive now, same as you and Pond.

    3. Pond, I don't think that any of your small typing mistakes are important. I only correct mine when I do something like omit the word not, which does seriously change the meaning of my sentence, often to the opposite of what I wanted to asy.

      That my fingers regular type the as "teh" doesn't much worry me.

    4. If the excellent New York Times can escape all language mistakes, I don't think we should worry too much, nor does the TOEFL organization.

    5. Oops - I mean, of course, that the NYT cannot escape the odd mistake in grammar, word choice and the like.

      In fact, the entire "After Deadline" section of the NYT is a blog (most major media outlets have blogs these days) where NYT sub-editors dept. discuss mistakes they've published, usually picked up by alert readers.

      The latest post, from May 12 (it's published weekly) has a useful discussion on the confusing use of hyphens in written English of the academic variety. You might like to have a look.

    6. Just like someone already suggested in the below, I am certain that the car will equipped with 2 dtiving modes: automatic driving and manual driving. In the case of malfunctioning in automatic driving, people inside should be able to take control the car as fast as possible. Therefore, someone who is going to ride in the car should be able to drive the car too.

    7. Some of my first thoughts were similar, but when I thought more, I wasn't so sure.
      If the machine is almost always much better than a human driver, might it make more sense to ban humans from driving, or at least make driving tests much more difficult for humans to pass?
      How should this question be decided in the future: should human drivers still be allowed, or should machine driving be required?

  6. it's an interesting innovation that i've heard for a couples of year but now still haven't become practical. anyway i believe that at some point in the future that technology will make a huge impact automobile industry.

  7. This is a very amazing invention. It will change our life as you say. We'll get more time and be more comfortable. However, I think this innovation might not suit for some people who love driving car. Therefore, the best way to build this kind of car is making it in 2 options, manual and automatic.

    1. This is very useful suggestion. I think when we are on the road, it might have some incident that computer program cannot solve it with safety. Human is greater in solving problem in sudden that computer.

    2. I'm sure when that when we're playing chess, my computer is much faster than me. Worse, it usually beats me! Even my phone can reliably beat me.

      Thankfully, neither can write a good essay yet, although I won't be surprised if they can within the next ten years. And then what will I do?

  8. I agree that nowadays there is a rapid evolution of car in many features as same as this article. In addition, I have heard that slovakian manufacturer will release Aeromoblie which is a car that is able to fly in 2017, so I think this robot car will also release soon


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