Thursday 7 May 2015

the Newborn of UK Princess

We know that a newborn is a good thing. What do you think about the reincarnation of dignitary?

By reading the BBC News article “Royal baby: Queenmeets great-granddaughter”(2015), Princess Charlotte was born on Saturday at London’s St Mary’s Hospital. She is the second child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Her full name is Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge. Princess Charlotte has a lot of visitors such as Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall who spent more than an hour with their new granddaughter.

I’m very pleased to know it. This news full of happiness, pleasure, and enjoyment. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge family is very lovely. I’ve followed this family since they are married.

In my opinion, the newborn from someone who is ready to have a child is a good thing. They can take care of their children to be a good adult that can be impulsion of country in the future.

On the other side, if parents don’t be ready to have a child and they can’t look after them well, it will make a problem. The child will lack of attention, warmth, and good environment. All of them can make the child go in to a bad side that will make a problem for national development.

However, baby is like a white cloth. If you give them a good memory, environment, and knowledge. I’m sure that they going to be a good adult in the future.

Royal baby: Queen meets great-granddaughter. (2015, May 5). BBC News UK. Retrieved from


  1. I'm glad to heard this good news, she is very pretty girl. I saw that in England , the people is all excited and pleased , they stay at the front of the palace to see beautiful princess. We love her :)

  2. I agree with your response. Parents should ensure that they are ready to have children. Everything happens in one's childhood can create a big change in future.

  3. The princess is cute, but anyway I am so in love with Prince George. He is really adorable. A pretty boy with chubby red cheeks.

    1. me too. Moreover, I really like his fashion, although he is not decision person who choose clothes for him to wear whatever.

  4. I think May makes in important point about the importance of parents being ready for children. If they are not, for example a single mother, especially a teenager, night the best choice for all be an abortion? This harms no one and benefits everyone: the pregnant mother who is not ready for a child can continue with her education, work or whatever, hopefully having learned some valuable lessons, and society, which is spared the crime and other problems that unwanted children often bring with them.

    Is there any good reason why pregnant women who are not ready to properly raise and care for a child should not have the option of a safe, legal abortion?

    And if the law does not allow this, does it mean that the law is morally wrong? Or are laws that do allow abortion morally wrong? What is just law on this issue?

    1. Since when have we start treating an unborn baby as an disposable item? If abortion is legalized, such immoral view will be reinforced and becomes a norm for the next generations.

      Rather than abortion, I think that some people who're physically incapable of getting pregnant might want to adopt them instead.

    2. By the way, if some people are not ready to take care their physically-impaired parents, can they legally kill their parents?

      Is there any good reason why someone who are not ready to properly care for the elders should not have the option of a legal murder?

    3. I'm glad someone has disagreed with me. It was surprising that everyone seemed OK with what I suggested here.

      Although Tin gives what sounds like the right sort of supporting reasons, I think his comparison with killing old people suggests a major difference between a three month old foetus and an 85 year old woman such as my mum that is relevant here.

      Would someone else like to help us clarify the issues?
      Is abortion morally OK or morally wrong? Why?

  5. But I'm wondering what the word reincarnation means here. May uses it a couple of times. I'm pretty sure I can guess the meaning from the context, and it doesn't seem to be exactly the usual meaning of this word. But perhaps I've misunderstood.

    The thing I wanted to ask was: Where did the word reincarnation come from? I mean, how did it come to be in May's interesting blog post?

    1. Thank you for your comment. I changed it to 'newborn'. At first, I think that word is same as newborn. I got it from longdo dictionnary.

    2. I think it would have been better not to have changed it.
      I rather liked it because I thought it a good example how dangerous "dictionaries" like Longdu are - Longdu is a particularly bad one to use.
      I would never recommend it. And that's why I liked the excellent example that reincarnation provided.

      One reason we want to blog is to try out new words in a safe environment - this is not a TOEFL test, so a few incorrect or odd bits of language are not a problem. In fact, even in TOEFL, a few minor mistakes are no problem - as you might have already noticed, I make small mistakes when I'm writing quickly. It's normal.

    3. In fact, I thought that "reincarnation" suggested a whole range of interesting responses to follow up.

    4. Next time, I will be careful about it. I knew that longdo and google are bad, but I did't know how bad they are and I really know it in this time.

    5. But why are Longdu and Google dangerous?
      When are they safe?

    6. I think they don't give a distinct definition and example. So, it's easy to misunderstand between two closley words.
      In my opinion, they will safe when I use them to check the spelling or check the meaning of the words that I slightly know them.

    7. May's explanation sounds pretty good.
      A good dictionary gives example sentences so that you can see how a word is used in context.
      I think Longdu and Google can be useful if you are checking something you already know, not looking for something new. I often use Google translate when I want to write in Thai. My Thai typing is so awful that it's quicker to type in English into Google translate, then copy and paste into FB messenger, and then edit that copied text. But Google translate almost never does a good job of translating English to Thai - if I just copied and pasted its suggestions, my Thai would sound much worse than it is. My Thai is bad, but I think Google translate is even worse. Perhaps a better solution would be for me to spend a few hours learning to touch type in Thai.

  6. I do agree with you that " baby is like a white cloth. If you give them a good memory, environment, and knowledge. I’m sure that they going to be a good adult in the future."

    But it does not mean that kids who grew up in the bad environment, they will be bad people in the future. I think it depends on each person and what they want to be in the future.

    For example, a couple years ago, I watched the Thai talk show " Jor Jai" , I saw Dr. Kullachat Julpen's background. He came from a separated family and his parents left him alone since he was a child then he was a homeless, and he lived on his own by collecting garbage. But he did not surrender to fate and he kept trying so hard until he graduated in Doctor's degree program from Japan. At the beginning, he started his life from nothing and now he got everything and be on the top on the world. The lesson I learned from this event was being a good person , it did not depend on where you came from such as good environment, good family and so on.
    But it depends on what person that you want to be in the future.

    1. Your opinion is very interesting. It gave me another side of mine. Finally, it just depends on each person.

    2. I like Aoh's comment because I think it suggests something important that may disagrees with.

      I'm wondering who agrees more with whom, and why.

      What does it mostly depend on how well people do in life?

  7. You remind me of a sentence in Thai. That is " some people who want to have a child but are not able to, other people who lack of abilities to look after have a child easier". This is a big problem for young Thai people, although there are many campaign or education.

    By the way, little princess is adorable.

  8. Not on a minor language points but on the content, I can't agree with May's concluding idea that a "baby is like a white cloth," which the right upbringing can turn into a good person.

    What do others think? Is this attractive idea true? Or is it an attractive idea that we might wish true but isn't?

  9. When I read this article, I am very glad to hear the good news. I watched the news last week and most people feel glad and warm welcome for their new princess.

    I agree with you that growing up of children depends on the environment.


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