Sunday 17 May 2015

Dangerous Technology ?

Nowadays, we are surrounded by advanced technologies that improve our lives in many areas. However, do we know that they have severe drawbacks to our life at the same time?

"Social media, email, game notifications, instant 
messaging - all of these are making it more 
difficult for workers to concentrate." From 
According to "Losing focus: Why tech is getting in the way of work" (2015), many digital services such as "email, social media, notifications and countless other digital distractions" have detrimental impact on our concentration ability. While research in this area is still immature, many products and techniques such as Focus@will, which uses unnoticeable background music, treadmill desk, which is used to stroll during working, Pomodoro Technique, which breaks up a project into a series of 25-minutes-long goals, and B-social, which is a mobile application that encourage users to use mobiles as less as possible, are widespread and claimed to help increasing concentration's time-span and productivity.

According to Csikszentmihalyi's idea in the BBC News' article, that our mind will focus on something if it's achievable and interesting to do, it might be said that, rather than losing focus on the work, we just change our focus to these digital services instead. In other words, if we have two choices: working on a task and using the digital services which is more easier and interesting to do, we will unintentionally choose to do one that is more interesting and easier to achieve: using the digital services. I think everyone would say this is obvious. However, by realizing this point, we now know how to focus more on working. It will be more compelling to work on a task if we can make the task easy and rewarding. By separating a task into series of goals that are quick and not complicated, we will feel that each goal is easy to do and we will be rewarded by a sense of succeeding after each goal is reached. For this reason, work-break-up techniques such as Pomodoro Technique is more useful than the others.

By the way, I think that if we always unintentionally choose to use digital services rather than working or doing, it will become a habit and in-turn an addiction. It's also easy to get addicted because nowadays technologies are advanced and we can use these digital services everywhere and every time we want. While gradually losing our concentration ability doesn't sound dangerous, getting hit by a car while crossing the street without properly looking or bumping into another car while driving and using mobile at the same time will cause life. Therefore, people should be aware more of this addiction. As for me, I have to put my mobile away whenever I need to work.

Technologies help improving life quality and business productivity, but they also have several drawbacks that we still do not know. We should be paying more attention when we're going to use it.
Hardy, I. (2015, May 8). Losing focus: Why tech is getting in the way of work. BBC News Business. Retrieved from


  1. Someone said " Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, allowing us to do things more quickly and efficiently. But too often it seems to make things harder such as keep us away from reality, damage our society, always concentrate on short and lose our tasks.

    Nowadays, people addicted smart-phone since we get up until go to bed. This is why some offices don't allow their employees use social medias while working. Moreover, addicting cell-phone makes us have attention deficit disorder, sleeplessness, have eyes problem, lose in touch with people in your society. By the way, we should be careful to use technology and use it as less as possible.

  2. Yes. Nowadays, technology plays (too) big role in our lives. Sometimes , it's gone beyond our control. I'm sure that everyone spends more than one hour using technology everyday. In some case, the number goes up to more than 8 hours per day. Obviously, this is not a good news at all.

  3. I like your method to protect distraction from work. I also use a similar method to yours. That is, when I'm going to do something that want much concentration such as reading books, doing homework especially T.Peter's home work (just kidding ><) I will put my smartphone away and don't turn on a computer. This method help me keep working or reading continually.

    1. If I don't turn on a computer, I can't do my work.

    2. I also like this method too but instead I would just turn off the internet WiFi, with out it my PC is just a machine which has only one purpose for working and then when i need to turn-in the work i just turn it back on again.
      I have to do this every time I paint something on my PC or else I would get distracted by Facebook's notifications or YouTube's videos or sometimes even a Porn site(Just Joking), but still I would have to gather some references for painting from the internet first before turn it down, and that really cost me a lot of time and even get me distracted too .

  4. I think technology is good for everyone because it help us many activities ,but sometimes, it make a trouble and disturbed us very much such as in smartphone ,it always notices every News,post or update activities that sometime we don't need to know, so it waste our time. In that time, we can use it efficiently without smartphone like doing the hobby, feeding pet, talking with family so it will more useful for our life.

  5. I agree with you. Technology make our lives easier; for example, in the part, we use television for watching the news, we use computer to serving the internet and we use telephone for calling someone. But in the present time, we can do all of these by smartphone that is a smaller device. However, because of it various function we spend almost time with this device; moreover, most of people use it to relax instead of learning or working or anything that is useful.

    1. Relaxing seems useful to me.
      But these devices can also be stressful. Last Friday, I had lunch with friends are Paragon. When it came time to pay the bill, I wanted to check that I actually had enough on the debit card I use daily to cover it. Horror! I couldn't connect to the Bangkok Bank's mBanking app! After sitting and fretting for about ten minutes, I took a risk and handed over the only card I had on me - rather than risk the embarrassment of a declined card, I ran out to to nearby ATM and got cash. Had there not been enough, I would have been forced to ask my friend for a temporary loan.

      This was the Bangkok Bank's fault, although I'm sure that they were as annoyed to have a service failure for one hour at lunch time on a weekday as I was. But it was a reminder of how dependant I've quickly become on instant access to everything via my phone. And how stressful withdrawal can be.

      I don't think I'm addicted to mBanking, but I'm not sure about my phone.

  6. Now I am too scared to even do Peter's home work on the internet , because it so convenience, but still I would prefer typing it more than writing it and I know that nobody would like to read my handwriting.

    1. Peter's handwriting isn't the best either, and it isn't getting any better.


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