Saturday 30 May 2015

A. What do you think about smoking?

To help us get ideas, Hartmann's Step C. exercise on page 226 asks us to first brainstorm our ideas in short notes and then share them in a group (2007).

Hartmann's brainstorming prompt A. is:
  • What do you think about laws or government  programs to prevent children and teens from smoking? Should it be illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone under a certain age? Should smoking be illegal for everyone? Should the government stay out of this decision? Give reasons. 
Before you read your classmates' ideas, I suggest you response write in sentences in a comment for five minutes. Then quickly read what your classmates have written, looking especially for ideas you disagree with, but also replying to expand ideas you agree with. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. Since they are not mature enough to make healthy decisions, it should be illegal to sell cigarettes to children.
    But that same reasoning also applies to ice-cream and other unhealthy foods. They all need to be illegal for sale to children.

    Adults can be responsible for their own health or its destruction, so there should be no government interference. Bans on advertising and so on are wrong.

  2. Cigarettes should be illegal for children because they are too little to judge what is good or bad for themselves. However, it can be legalized for adult because they have know already what is good or bad. Therefore, if they think smoking has benefits more than drawbacks, it is their life. However, I don't think that government have no business on this issue. Even though government should stay out of their decision to smoke or not, government should have strictly law to control smoker; for example, if smokers smoke in public area, they have to get same punishment with invasion of privacy because their tobacco smoke can harm other people.

    1. I agree that smoking should be illegal on public property, but not on private property that is a public place. Everyone needs to use public property, such as parks, footpaths and government offices and should not have to suffer smokers filthy smells there.
      But on private property that happens to be a public place, the owner should be able to set the smoking policy for her property and the public, customers or whatever, are then free to enter or not as they choose. I set a non-smoking policy for my home, and I think that's my right for private property. People who can't follow my policy do not have to visit my home. Similarly, I think it's morally wrong for governments to force restaurants to ban smoking - it would be better for customers, and create more choices, if the owner's right to decide was respected.

  3. I do agree that the government should make a law for punishing the person who sell cigarettes to children under 18 years old. The punishment should not have only get a fined but it should be imprison too. At least, people concern to do the right thing and the children will not be infatuated and get away from smoking too.


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