Wednesday 6 May 2015

Tweet for jobs

Twitter is the second biggest social network next to Facebook and it has its own characteristics which distinguish it completely from other social media: limited 140-characters in each tweet, the hashtag, the real time information, and the informal style.

By reading the BBC News article “Land a job in less than 140characters” (2015), Twitter is becoming a useful tool for job finders since it gives an easy and direct approach to contact recruiters and executives. When Justin Rogers sent a tweet to a company said “@IEXWorkAbroad My wife and I are seriously looking into teaching English abroad. Can we connect to discuss opportunities?”, he got a job with his less 140-characters resume and now teaching English in many courses aboard.

This article reminded me that I have been on twitter for 5 years already and I didn’t use it in productive way as Rogers, I think. I usually check my twitter for entertainment news and funny stuffs because it’s very active social network. In only 5 minutes, my news feed is full with a lot of tweets and news goes viral in a very short time.

Anyway, I think it’s a very new thing to use social network for finding job especially in Twitter. As you know, it set only 140 characters per tweet and Twitter is also a very private place that users usually tweet in short sentences but many tweets in a time. Therefore, there must be a ton of tweets in your timeline. I have got approximately 1600 tweets now. And if recruiters want to see your profile or activities you have done to evaluate you, they will nothing. Honestly, I am a bit confused why many companies use Twitter to find new personnel.

In the article said that the informal style of Twitter is the advantage point which makes Rogers got his job via Twitter. Yes, I accept that. Comparing to Facebook, Twitter is more approachable. But it’s still hard to get contact with famous person or company because their accounts have many followers and also notifications. They will not notice you unless you are really outstanding.

Twitter is a new way to find a job. But you will get it or not, it depends on your ability.
Land a job in less than 140 characters. (2015, May 6). BBC News Capital. Retrieved from


  1. It's not bad to know that Twitter helps employees to get jobs.
    For me, I think it is not a good idea to let the recruiter or someone else know about your personal life or your private zone before you are invited to have an interview in that company.

    Some people lose their jobs because their bosses or their colleagues know some part of their lives from social network.

    Because when the company are seeking the applicant to have an interview, they will use google to find your facebook, twitter, instagram or all your social netwrok to know all your personal life and if you have posted something bad, they will deny your application form immediately. Then be careful to use a social network for seeking a job.

  2. For a long time I refused to use Twitter because of a silly objection to its mangling of language. But then I decided I might be missing out on something and gave it a go.
    It's very challenging to state a strong idea in 140 characters or less, let alone to argue for an idea, and I like that. In order to stay within 140 characters and write grammatically correct, standard English, I often have to use grammar, and sometimes word choices, that are not exactly standard.

    In an emergency, I will use an abbreviation or drop an article, but I try not to. Like writing poetry, Twitter can be a real test of command of a language.

    It didn't even exist when I started working at AUA!
    Nor did Facebook didn't exist!

    1. Oh, dear! That last sentence is pretty awful.

      When I'm writing quickly, I sometimes change my mind half way through a sentence, and forget to revise the other half to match the new structure and grammar, with the sort of mess you can see above.

      But I don't think that's a problem here or in response writing generally. I'm sure my idea was successfully communicated, despite the mess I made of the sentence.

  3. The new technologies can make you more convenient. You don't need to go to any places for hand in your resume or take an interview. You just know how to use new technology for make your easy life such as Twitter or Face time. Then, I confirm you that will get new technology as soon as.

  4. The new technologies can make you more convenient. You don't need to go to any places for hand in your resume or take an interview. You just know how to use new technology for make your easy life such as Twitter or Face time. Then, I confirm you that will get new technology as soon as.

  5. I've heard that some companies will check and evaluate Facebook's profile before hiring new employee as well. So it'd be better for you to remove something that you don't want them to see.

    By the way, there is also a social network only for your business profile and work-related stuffs, called LinkedIn. This one is really popular. For me, I don't want to have more than 1 online profile because it waste my times.

  6. I never use Twitter before, so I'm not know about it very much but it's hard to say the strong words that every one will understand in 140 characters. However , I think it don't have much jobs that are found in Twitter, do you?

    1. Having started to use it a couple of years ago, I now think that the challenge of saying something substantial, or at least clear, in 140 characters is part of the fun.

  7. I am a person that refuse to use Twitter but I am on Facebook. So, I don't have any information about this. I am on your side, Jin, I really agree with your last sentence how to find a job depends on your ability and you will succeed if you have a willing and talent.

  8. I used to refuse to use Twitter in the past, but then more and more artists that I followed start to use it, so I have no choice but to continue to follow them on Twitter too. I think one of the reason why they started to use it was because their works can be seen and spread easily through Twitter.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think every social network has many ways to use it. You can get or lost advantages from it. According to Jin's words "It depends on your ability".

  11. 140 characters limit may be a point why many companies find new employees via twitter. They don't have to spend time reading a thousand words in resume. In addition, people who can creatively present themselves and impress committees within 140 characters are surely strong candidates.

  12. Jin have raise interesting points: 140 characters limit; active social network ; informal style. All of them make me realize that this century is social network era. It is short, social ,and simple to catch whatever promptly. I still refuse usinh it because I am afrid of following a ton of tween in five minutes like jin said.

  13. It's an interesting idea but not for me because I am a person who don't use Twitter. I had the account for a long time but I found out that many new feeds were on my screen and I had to follow someone to know his or her news. However, I prefer to use other social medias such as Facebook, Instagram, Line and whenever I would like to find a job, I will search on Jobsdb website. It's easier for me and I think that 140 characters may be not enough for finding a good job because I want to know job description, wellfare, and so on.


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