Monday 18 May 2015

Do you still believe in The Law system?

Many people believe laws are in place to protect them from danger and each other. Thus inferring they take some sort of control over people's actions. Laws are in place by our government to control a group of people living in a area together. These laws should not be broken or a penalty fitting the crime will be given, and those responsible will be sentenced to pay. Earlier, I did believed that the law is righteousness. People who made a mistake, they deserved the properly punishment what they have done. Nowadays, I do change my mind, I do not believe that the law system is still fair as before. In some cases, the verdict seems distrust and becomes totally unfair to innocent people.

According to Indian newspapers report shocking new atrocities - a 10-month-old raped by a neighbour in Delhi; an 18-month-old raped and abandoned on the streets in Calcutta; a 14-year-old raped and murdered in a police station in Uttar Pradesh; a husband facilitating his own wife's gang rape in Howrah; a 65-year-old grandmother raped in Kharagpur. But in a country where a rape is reported every 21 minutes, even these most horrific of crimes soon get forgotten - except by the victims and their families. They are left to fight their long lonely battles for justice which, more often than not, is denied to them.

From my point of view, I have heard a lot of unfair judgement in India about girls were raped and abandoned on the streets. Some girls in India who suffer from sexual assault, mistreatment, and so on. But the court did not give the right justice. Moreover,criminals can bail out and walk free. None of them would admit to being the culprit. That's so cruel and sucks. What's fair? Do they can call for justice? 

It seems like in Thailand currently. If you are the rich people, you can do whatever you want and you never be wrong person even if you have did the worst thing such as kill people, do drug, ravish girls or children and drive with careless. Last week, Thai court just sentenced the rich girl who drove reckless and killed 9 bodies on the express highways. This cruel lawsuit happened 5 years ago. Now it was settled. She was sentenced to be suspended for 4 years, not allow to drive a car until she's 25, do public services for 48 hours. Because it is the first time that she made a mistake and she was 18 years in that time. This is why she does not sentence to jail. At the same time, the dead's families never ever got any assistance from her family and her family acts like they are not guilty and never ever say sorry to the dead. Some of victims are the best quality people and they also are head of the families. Lacking of the head of family is so hard to move on. How could their families survive? If I were the victim's family, I would fight for the right thing. I would not let the criminal is bailed out. I would try my best to send her to jail. Even if I have to lose all my money. 

Frankly speak, I really hate Thai court and Thai laws indeed. Because they always support the rich people who completely break the law. This is the biggest mistake of Thai Court of justice. Just because you have a lot of money, you can change from wrong to right or black to white. Actually,It better call " Up to you Laws " not " Civil Laws" in Thailand. By the way, think the legal system is unfair or unjustified because it allows those with big mistakes to be less punished,especially the rich people, politicians, and authorized person. They are able to employ highly qualified lawyers unlike the poor. The law is not uniform to all. Furthermore, Thai Laws should be changed as soon as possible. It should be more strict and it should have more severe punishment. People will be afraid of doing wrong and admit the punishment without exception. As human beings and members of a country with so much to offer, everyone should have a moral obligation to stand up for what they believe in. Fighting injustice in a peaceful and determined way will result in a greater outcome for all. 

From this news shows selfishness of human being. It seems like our reality in nowadays that we have to battle against the wickedness to survive for the next day. Sometime it is really hard to stand for the unfair law, the influential person and the power of money. It depends on what you deal with in that time. 

Someone said " No matter how powerful, countries cannot rule the whole world. The world is ruled by brains, by justice, by morals and by fairness". So, do you guys think the law is still fair or unfair? Are we morally obliged to obey unjust laws? Do we have to follow a law regardless of how unfair, unjust, or immoral it may be?


Raped Indian nurse dies after 42 years in coma. (2015, May 18). The guardian World. Retrieve from

The rapes that India forgot. (2015, May 18). BBC News Asia. Retrieve from


  1. That the law of most countries still does not allow euthanasia, especially when a sane, informed patient asks a doctor to kill her, also seems to me a great injustice.
    It is not obvious that Indian courts made the right decision in refusing to allow the brain damaged woman to die many years ago.

    1. I think it's not a bad thing that allow euthanasia's law.
      If I were a patient who have severe disease such as the terminal cancer, AID, or some diseases which can't heal.
      I prefer die without suffering.

      For Indian girl who has the brain damage,she might want to die instead of being with the pain for the rest of her life. Who knows!

  2. Aoh's post also usefully foreshadows several issues that will come up as we read Of Mice and Men. Please feel welcome to share your ideas on them - you need not know what is coming up in Steinbeck's novel to find issues worth some discussion, whether to agree or disagree with others, in Aoh's latest post: it has plenty of controversial issues worth exploring for their own sake.

  3. I knew the end of this story. I don't wonder why this short novel are very famous and got a Nobel Prize. Even if the end of this story is too cruel. If I were George, I would do the same as him. Sometimes you have to be a bad person for protecting someone you love. Even if It's not the right choice to pick. Being in the reality is quite hard to survive. You have to weight between friendship with the benefits. Finally, everybody choose the benefits.

  4. I think this is where women's rights are strongly denied and this topic should be questioned in their society. I believe that, in India, women are not equally treated as same as men. For example, what will the society do if they found out that there is a woman practicing polygamy. I'm sure that the response will be totally different if it was a men.


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