Friday 22 May 2015

More Dangerous Than You Think

Most people realize that the beauty is value and important things to live in this society. Sometimes, they forget that some beauty comes along with dangers; In addition, the people may be blind to the situation and lead to the bad effects.

According to the BBC News article “The perils of contact lenses”, the writer states that contact-lens wearers have a chance to suffer from eye infections, Acanthamoeba Keratitis because organisms like bacteria is easy to attach contact lenses and results to eye pain, irritation and serious effects; moreover, the vulnerability to infection will increase if the people don’t leave their contact lenses before sleeping or even wear the contact lenses while they are swimming or taking a bath. The writer suggests that people have to put contact lenses off before sleeping and use swimming goggles to protect your eyes.

After reading the article, I am worried about my eyes because I am a person who wears the contact lenses. My contact lenses have been available and active for 1 month; it means that I can have used the contact lenses for 1 month after opening and then I have to change them into another ones. However, I am sometimes lazy to change it and think that it still uses; in addition, I forget to leave them out before sleeping occasionally. The result is that sometimes my eyes are uncomfortable and pain.

In addition, some people who have a normal vision would like to wear the contact lenses because of beauty; however, they still have not enough knowledge to the dangers of the contact lenses. The contact lenses are so-called “Big eyes” in which it is available in the market place. Most contacts don’t get the guarantee from Thai Food and Drug Administration. In other words, they are not safe to use it for our eyes. The contacts will increase more vulnerable to infection in which some people may get serious harm and lose eyes.

As far as I’m concerned, I suggest that people should not wear “Big eyes” because they lead to be more harmful than you think. People should be examined by experts and should buy the contact lenses from believable sources; furthermore, if you suffer from any eye infection, you have to remove your contacts and don’t wear the contacts until you get over the infection. Besides, before picking up the contacts, you have to make sure your hands are clean and after putting it off, the contact lenses have to place in water lens-cleaning kit, not tap water.

Have you ever done the behavior before? If you say “Yes”, you will have to stop doing it and change your behavior to your healthy eyes. ________

The perils of contact lenses. (2015, May 19). BBC News Health. Retrieved from


  1. I wore contact lenses for a short time many years ago - 15? 20? I stopped wearing them because it was just too much hassle be washing and caring for them. Glasses might have their drawbacks, but they're easy to use and relatively care free. And they don't tend to cause nasty infections to wearers' eyes.

  2. I wear contact lens too. I know that they need extremely carefulness. Firstly, person who decide to use contact have to wash contact lens very clean and have to use them as labeled; for example, if they are labeled that they will expire within 1 month after you open the box, you should not use them more than 1 month. Moreover, as Gift said, we should not wear it while we are sleeping and swimming.

    Although we follow all of these instruction strictly, we would be likely to face another problem like me. I have wear contact lens for 10 years but I quiet sure that my eyes have never infect because of use of contact lens before. However, I face with another problem instead that is dry eye.

    I think if people who want to wear them should not wear it everyday and all day long because they make eyes lack of moisture and oxygen.

    1. I used to wear one too. My eyes were really dry that I had to use eye drops many times a day. One day I didn't bring eye drops with me. So I tried to blink frequently because I thought that's going to moisturize my eyes. Suddenly one of my contact lenses fell out when I blinked and I had to walk home blindly. Since then I stop wearing contact lenses.

    2. Blindly?, just how short is your eyesight?

  3. Fortunately, I don't have to wear contact lenses or glasses. But I've seen my friends used them. They used hands to put contact lenses in and out of their eyes. So that It does not surprised me why many people get infected by using contact lenses.

  4. I'm the one who use contact lens too, both of normal contact lens and big eyes, but I've never slept with them. I always have a trouble when I use it for a long time (10 hours per day), I will make my eyes irritate.

  5. I never wear contact lenses at all, because I know that I don't have enough responsibility to take care of it, and I always touch so many dirty in my everyday life which would be incase I wore contact lenses.


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