Monday 4 May 2015

The Eye of God

Drone has been widely used in many different occasions. But some people find ways to use it beyond your imagination.

According to "The private investigator who spies using drones", Chris Wright, private investigator, has been using drones with cameras, which she bought from toy store, to increase her investigating, or spying, ability. Consequently, this leads to controversy on whether it is legally right for Wright to use drones to work for her clients.

First of all, I'm surprised that Chris Wright using 200 dollars drones from toy shop to do her work. These drones are available for everyone, but no one ever think that they can be used to make money in this way. Thanks to Wright's intelligence, she saw the advantages of picturing from the sky and access to places where we cannot go from ground. Many of her jobs would have not been done if she did not use drones.

What's more interesting for me is that Chris Wright hired Gamer from high school and college to control drones for her. This proves that being Gamer is not as bad as many parents think. Many people might wonder that controlling drone is really that hard. Yes, it is. I'm RC (Radio Control) air craft player, and I've experienced controlling drone. It's challenging. Drone has to be controlled in three axes, unlike ground vehicle which has only two axes movement. Wind also other factors that make this more difficult. And, of course, a little mistake can lead you to disaster. Therefore, controlling air vehicle requires skills and experience.

Since drone is the cheapest and safest among reliable air vehicles, it has been applied for work in many fields. For example, in movie industry, drone is used to take top view picture instead of helicopter, which costs significantly larger amount of money. Or in military, it allows soldiers to spy their enemies without risking anyone life.

While advance technologies have been developed in order to improve our lives, using these technologies in wrong way can lead us to the worst disaster human beings have ever seen.
Eveleth, R. (2015, March 18). The private investigator who spies using drones. BBC  News Technology. Retrieved from


  1. I've heard the news about using drone to transport goods but I'm not sure that whether Alibaba or Amazon is the first company that test this.

    By the way, It is very comfortable and exciting for us to shop online and then wait for the drone coming from the sky transports our goods. It's make me think about a gift falling from the sky. Lol

  2. From the article you wrote,though I don't know much about the technology things, it's not really in my interest, I think drone is a very smart product and Chris Wright is a guy with super sharp eyes.

  3. I liked Bank's comment that gamers might find rewarding career options by pursuing their interests. I'm not sure how parents will feel about such non-traditional careers, but they seem OK to me.

    But I wonder whether they will long need any human controllers.

  4. And Bank's concluding sentence left me wanting to know what awful disaster might result from the use of drones.

  5. I still haven't read your source article yet, but I think that privacy and security are going to be an issue soon. Its usage should be somewhat regulated. However, drone is very useful and its application is still immature. Similar to robotic vacuum cleaner, automated-pilot drone is going to be used for repetitive scheduled task in the future. If its power battery is good enough, an ad-hoc wireless network for emergency situation can be quickly provided by drones too.

    1. Apart from my previous comment, the privacy and security issues did also occur to me. I sometimes see reports that include footage shot from drones, for example over Buckingham Palace a couple days ago showing the crowds gathered to see the official announcement in the palace grounds of William and Kate's new baby.

      I don't think this is what Bank had in mind when he spoke of "the worst disaster human beings have ever seen" in his attention-getting concluding sentence, but maybe I misunderstood.

      I'm glad that Tin has raised this point.

  6. Your article remind me of a joke of drone. That is original idea come from a bird which stole a camera from traveler ,while camera was recording , so the video from that camera was nice city's view from the sky.

    By the way, I used to think that it is really hard to buy a drone. After I read yours, I have to think about it again because you stated that people can buy it at toy shop that show how easy to buy. Moreover, you have raised a interesting point which is "controlling air vehicle requires skills and experience" that I agree with you. Maybe aviation organization need to have specific requirements to check drone user.

  7. Risin' up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances
    Went the distance Now I'm back on my feet
    Just a man and his will to survive
    So many times, it happens too fast
    You trade your passion for glory
    Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
    You must fight just to keep them alive
    It's the eye of the tiger... Oh wait!? I'm sorry I thought the title was The Eye of the tiger

    Here's a link to the song BTW.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is very interesting idea. Drone is much useful technology that can make our live easier. Maybe in the future, there are many drone in the sky instead of birds.

  10. I heard that we used drone for making a movie, it's very a cool idea, I ever saw it from Fast and Furious 7 and another dramatic TV show from Thailand. However, I heard this from the News in USA,unbelievable someone used drone to make a porn.


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