Monday 11 May 2015

Quest 2, p.176, x.C, Discussion 4 - famous with disorder

We want to turn Hartmann's discussion questions on page 176 into short response writing exercises.

Read the following question and then write a comment to share your ideas. Response write for 5 minutes.
  • Do you know of any famous people who suffered from a psychological disorder? If so, who were they? Do you know what disorder they had? (Hartmann, 2007)
Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. Yes, I do. I know of Der Doksadao, a thai famous actor, who suffered from disorder about intellectual and may be some mind disorders or syndromes but I'm not quite sure and don't know the name of his disorder.

  2. i dont know if she is famous. Her name is Kim Noble. She's got a multiple identity disorder. i just know about her story while surfing on internet. One of her many personal identities know about this disorder and go to see the doctor and also wrote a book about her life. As i remember, there are so many person inside her with different ages and habits but all of them love drawing so they communicate with each other by their paintings.

    1. Kwan's comment helpfully clears up any remaining uncertainty about multiple personality disorder, which we encountered in the first reading, "Culture and Mental Illness,"

  3. I'm not sure about it but I have heard of a Thai singer that have a phobia of half glass of water, the rumor says that whenever he sees a glass of water filled with water half of the glass he will panic and try to find the way to fill it so that it's not half anymore,I think that weird and it's not true but how can i know it anyway if i don't even see it for myself, the name of that Thai singer is Calories BlahBlah BTW

  4. I know the actor who was a Joker in Batman Darknight. I cannot remember his name but I can remember his story. In order to learn how people with psychological problems live, this actor went to live in hospital with such kind of people. As a result, he could act as a joker, who has psychological problem, really well. Unfortunately, perhaps he had stayed with crazy people for too long, he became suffering from psychological disorder. Finally, he died because he took to much drugs.

  5. Yes, I have known about Diana Princess. She has a problem with eating disorder, Bulimia (I don't sure the name of disorder). I think Because of stress, when she eat or drink, she will vomit after the meal. It make she has a bad health.

  6. Ten years ago, Lindsey Lohan used to be a very famous superstar and she has a psychological disorder that ended her career path. I don't know how the exact name of this disorder but the symptoms is like she want to steal stuffs that is not her own though she has a lot of money to buy it. Some said it is not a disorder but her own habits but finally there was a confirmation by a doctor that she really has mental problems.

  7. One very famous person who is said to have had a psychological disorder is the brilliant scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton, who is famous for work in gravity, optics, mechanics, and mathematics, including the invention of the calculus (contemporary with Liebnitz).
    Newton is said to have suffered from Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism, where people have difficulty relating to others at an emotional level.
    Because his brilliance found him a safe home at Cambridge University, along with other positions, he was largely protected from any negative consequences that might otherwise have resulted from his autism, which might also have been not very severe. Was he abnormal? I think exceptional is a better word.

    Another obvious example of a famous person with problems is the painter Vincent van Gogh, whose work we have been looking at closely in our judgements on the painting that Hartmann has used to introduce chapter 6, "Abnormal Psychology".

  8. Yes, I know. He is Van Goh who suffered from bipolar disorder. I had learned about him in pharmacology class. Sometime Van Goh depressed and sometime he laguhed and felt very happy. I think that the disease might result from his career because he's an artist that had to spend his time create idea but he might not have any idea at the same time. The thing made him confuse and nervous. Besides, I noticed that he suffered from seizure that had something wrong in his brain. All of thing affected on neurotransmitters in his brain and led him to get the disorders.

  9. Yes, I know. One of the famous people is Abraham Lincoln. I know it because I read from the biography book.He has a depression. I think he has it because he worked hard and stress. USA has a lot of problems at that time. So, it make this disorder to Abraham Lincoln.

  10. I knew a Thai comedy celebrity who is afraid of frogs.
    His name is Nhong Cha Cha Cha. So,he is a comedian actor.
    His phobia is call animal phobia.
    When he sees the frog , he always screams so loud and try to run away from this.

  11. While I was researching for some weird phobias as a part of my assignment, I've discovered that Prince Harry also suffers from glossophobia too. A glossophobia is an irrational fear of speaking in public. Aside from normal anxiety that people will have during public speaking, people with glossophobia are more severe - resulting in very poor performance in oral communication in public. Its cause is claimed to be that there's a conflict between desire to impress audiences and doubt whether they can speak well.

  12. Yes, I have heard that some famous people have a problem like loneliness and alcoholic , sometime they try to kill themselves, such as a famous joker (I cannot remember his name).

  13. I cannot remember that what is they afraid of. However, I read on the internet that many famous people have very strange phobia. For example, a fear of many hole, I just wonder that people who have this phobia may never take a shower, they may have to take a bath only. There are a lot of strange phobia that I read from the internet. Sometime I think it is ridiculous, why those people afraid of it? I just wonder. However, I never know their bad memory or may be they have some reason to afraid of something.

  14. I knew someone who got mental disorder that she had symptom like unconscious. She usually did not care everything surround her and say nothing. she just take medicine and stay at home because her family did not cure or take her to mental hospital.


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