Tuesday 9 June 2015

ZBV: questions on essays - 2. Imagine you're writing. Group 1

On page 2, the third and final question that Zemach, Broudy and Valvona ask us to quickly share our ideas on is the following (2011).
  • Imagine that you have been asked to write a 500 word essay on a topic that is familiar to you. 
    • How much time will it take?  
    • What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part? 
    • What will you do first? Then what steps will  you follow?  
Again, in a comment below, quickly share your ideas in response to this question.
Remember to check the "Notify me" box before you publish your comment.
Zemach, D. E., Broudy, D. & Valvona, C. (2011). Writing Research Papers: From Essay to Research Paper. Oxford: Macmillan.


  1. How much time will it take?
    It takes 40 minutes to an hour.

    What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part?
    The easiest part is a body while the most challenging part is an introduction. The body is easier because I can just follow my drafts which I've brainstormed and arranged ideas already. While the introduction part is hardest because I have to think about catchy words which will make my essay looks more interesting.

    What will you do first? Then what steps will you follow?
    I will put my ideas in a scrap paper first. Then I will organize and arrange them to make it easier to understand. After that, I will write it down, and revise grammar and vocabulary.

    1. That's pretty much similar to me. An catcy Opening paragraph is the hardest of all.

  2. It seems to me that I might take more than an hour to compose an 500 word essay.
    The easiest part should be citing examples because I can use my experiences, knowledge, and information to illustrate and help people to understand my main ideas. On the other hand, the most difficult part should be composing a thesis sentence which should be concise and clear.
    I always start with finding my stand and then find reasons to support my standing point, follow by finding examples and then writing, reviewing, and correcting it.

  3. I normally take 30 minutes to 50 minutes to write 500 words essay depends on given topics.
    For me, the easiest part is summary because all I have to do is summarizing the information mentioned above and it does not need so much details.
    However, I personally think that the most challenging part is an introduction. Although this part seems to be easy, not so many people can create an introduction that hooks readers' mind in limited period.
    Typically, the process begins with brainstorming and making decision. Choosing sides is very important because ambiguous ideas can confuse readers and make the essay unclear. I always start writing from an introduction, body parts, and conclusion, respectively. If there is a couple minutes left, I usually proof read to check grammar mistakes and revise some information for better understanding. Sometimes, I go back to an introduction to improvise it to be more interesting.

  4. It usually takes me 30-40 minutes to write an 500-word essay.
    The easiest part of an essay for me is a summary part because I do not have to create anything new. All I have to do is summarizing the reasons given in the previous part.
    The most challenging part for me is a body part of essay because it is a decisive part that determines quality of my essay. Bad reasoning or explanation may bring my entire essay down and impair the persuasiveness of my point of view.
    When I write an essay, I usually list up reasons and explanations first, because having a concrete structure helps me saving time to think during the writing.
    After I already have a structure of my essay, I will start writing it from introduction, body and then conclusion respectively.

  5. How much time will it take?
    I do not usually write essay in English. But with time-pressure, I take 40 to 50 minutes on average to write this length of essay.

    What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part?
    The easiest part must be the concluding part since this part require no time to think. To conclude the essay, I just briefly restate everything from the previous part.
    The introduction is the most challenging, as well as most important part because it requires a lot of time to think how to pave a set of information, which I want to transfer and to hold the reader attention. Moreover, I have to plan meticulously how to articulate my idea, so that the reader will not be lost when they are reading.

    What will you do first? Then what steps will you follow?
    Thinking and planning are what I do first, writing is what I do later.

  6. Thank you for the thoughtful and constructive sharing of ideas on Zemach, Broudy and Valvona's question from page 2 of Writing Research Papers. I say constructive because as well as being honest and specific, you give reasons to explain the varied answers.

    There seems to be a consensus that he conclusion is the easiest part, but apart from that, there is considerable disagreement. I think that's a good thing - exploring the reasons in our subsequent discussion in class now has some basis to build on.

    If you haven't already, I hope you do find the time to read your classmates' comments here.

  7. Even though writing a familiar topic using 500 words may sound easy to some people, I find it will take me at least one hour to write a decent and to the point essay.

    The easiest part for me is the brainstorming session. This part allows all ideas to come together. It doesn't require you to organize anything. Quantity is more important in this process. I can come up with many things: examples, anecdotes, and etc. While putting all these ideas into a structural and tangible sentences are much more difficult. You write to inform other not yourself. You have to consider your reader as well.

    What I like to do when I write an essay is outlining everything. I come up with the main idea, thesis statement, and give some supporting examples. If I have sometimes left, I might be more creative and come up with some witty lines or intelligent quotes to make my writing more sophisticated.

  8. How much time will it take you?
    - I think it depends on my condition during the time I write an essay. Sometimes I feel blank and take too long to complete it, but I approximately take 40 minutes in average to finish it.

    What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part?
    - I think the conclusion part is the easiest because I just conclude it from the ideas that I have already mentioned, nothing new. The most challenging part should be the opening paragraph because it should contains interesting ideas and excellent word selections to catch the reader attention.

    What will you do first? Then what steps will you follow?
    - Generating good ideas is very important as well as drafting to see the overall writing and tones of the essay. Then trying to revise and recheck some errors.

  9. Writing a 500 word essay would probably takes me around half an hour at least.The easiest part would be the main idea, because it's purely about my opinion towards the topic. I like to give reasons explaining why I think that way, or sometimes even convince others, so that won't be a problem for me. I just need to organize and develop it step by step, which is a little bit time-consuming.

    The most challenging part would be the introduction because I find it hard to grab reader's attention in the first few sentences without nothing substantial being wrote yet. So I would first tentatively plan the structure of my whole essay; my main ideas, their reasons and how to connect and lead to those points. And I'd follow that structure, just to save time for a revise.

  10. How much time will it take?
    - On a familiar topic, it would takes me around an hour or less.

    What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part?
    - The most challenging part will certainly be the introduction. Because, in my opinion, the introduction is the part which makes reader decides that this essay is worth reading or not.
    - The easiest part, I think, is the conclusion. Because the conclusion is, basically, the whole essay in summary.

    What will you do first? Then what steps will you follow?
    - I will certainly pick the importance components which I want to state in my essay first. Then I will gather information related to those components such as examples to support the components I picked.


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