Tuesday 9 June 2015

ZBV: questions on essays - 2. Imagine you're writing. Group 2

On page 2, the third and final question that Zemach, Broudy and Valvona ask us to quickly share our ideas on is the following (2011).
  • Imagine that you have been asked to write a 500 word essay on a topic that is familiar to you. 
    • How much time will it take?  
    • What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part? 
    • What will you do first? Then what steps will  you follow?  
Again, in a comment below, quickly share your ideas in response to this question.
Remember to check the "Notify me" box before you publish your comment.
Zemach, D. E., Broudy, D. & Valvona, C. (2011). Writing Research Papers: From Essay to Research Paper. Oxford: Macmillan.


  1. 1. I think it will take a half day to make a perfect one.
    2.The essay's body is the easiest part. The tough part is for me is the thesis statement for building topic sentences. It takes me long time when writing essays.
    3. Firstly, I would make an essay mind map. Next, I'll make a thesis statement and make a topic sentence for each paragraph; introduction, body, conclusion

  2. To me, I might take 30-45 minutes to write a 500 word essay that is familiar to me. I usually waste time on organizing the essay and finding supporting details.

    The easiest part might be introduction because it doesn't need a lot of specific details. In contrast, the most challenging part is body section as I need to think the main idea of each paragraph and find specific details and examples to support an essay. Thus, this part is the part I spend time most.

    The step I will do first is taking note what I would like to write as short keywords. Then I will begin an essay with an introduction which is the easies part.

  3. 1. I think it will take about 1 hour for writing an essay.
    2. In my opinion, the body of essay is the easiest part in writing an essay because this part is just about adding your supporting information in order to support your thesis statement. On the other hand, the thesis statement is the most challenging part because it conducts all part of the essay. If you cannot make your thesis statement clear, your essay will be bad at all.
    3. If I have to write an essay, the first thing I will do is to think about the thesis statement. After that, I will organize the detail in each paragraph in my essay and prepare all of supporting details, then start writing the essay.

    1. Just like me, the body will be easy if we have the whole idea what to write about from the thesis statement.

    2. Just like me, the body will be easy if we have the whole idea what to write about from the thesis statement.

    3. Just like me, the body will be easy if we have the whole idea what to write about from the thesis statement.

  4. Normally, I spend around five hours to write a 500-word essay of the topic that I am familiar with. I take hours because I usually search for vocabularies and check my mistakes.
    The easiest part of writing for me is the first paragraph of body since I usually have many reasons to support the idea. However, it is difficult for me to do the second, third and so on paragraphs because I sometimes have no idea on the topic and sometimes can find little bit reasons to support thesis statement of each paragraph.
    When I do writing, I start with thinking of the main idea and roughly draft it. Then, I just start writing them in the form of essay.

  5. I will take about 1-2 hours to write a 500 word essay.

    I think the easiest part in an essay is the body part, which I can explain all of my idea in the statement. I can describe my opinion, present my knowledge and give an example in this part in order to make my essay clear and understandable. On the other hand, the most challenging part for me is an introduction paragraph because this part is the beginning of the essay that needs to be obvious and concise.

    When I write an essay, I will list all points that I would like to write in the essay. Then I will write the introduction part, which need to include all of my listed points. Finally, I will explain all points in the body part and make the conclusion.

  6. I hope you have had a chance not only to add your own ideas here, but to read the thoughtful responses of your classmates. Particularly helpful, I thought, is that you have taken care to give some reasons for the very different ideas: we don't have agreement on how long or on which parts are easiest of most challenging. I think this is helpful for us: it gives us something to work with in our coming discussions in class.

  7. Actually, I need about an to deal with the familiar topic but it possibly take many hours for the unacquainted ones to finisd 500 words essay.

    In my view, the conclusion or summary is the easiest part of essay because If i can organize the topic sentence and provide any of example to clarify the idea from the introduction throughout the body parts, It is not too hard to summarize them in the conclusion.

    First step of my writing usually start with making a decision what theme of my essay will be, find some keywords that I makes sure I will find the supporting ideas easily. Then, I start writing with flexibility (any things can be changed during writing).

    1. For me, I think a conclusion is one of the most difficult part fo or writing an essay. Because the essay can be ruined, if you don't conclude your point well (Evemthough you organize your essay wisely)

  8. I normally take an hour to produce one fair assay. In my view, the most easiest part is introduction; it is just a general introduction and interesting comments about your topic. On the other hand, the most challenging part is conclusion; you have to show strong reasons to convince readers to believe in what you wrote.

    I normally start my essay by free writing technique. I write everything in my mind down to relieve my nervousness. Then, I use my ideas to produce introduction, body and conclusion respectively.

  9. I usually take about an hour to finish my writing. The first paragraph or an introduction part is the hardest part for me. When I know what am I going to write, I always have the conclusion and middle part in my mine already but struggle how to make a good start for the first paragraph.

    When I start writing an essay, I try to list all idea so I can plan what to write for each paragraph. I mostly get an idea of the conclusion or body first and then take most of time to figure out what the first sentence should be.


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