Tuesday 9 June 2015

ZBV: questions on essays - 2. Imagine you're writing. Group 3

On page 2, the third and final question that Zemach, Broudy and Valvona ask us to quickly share our ideas on is the following (2011).
  • Imagine that you have been asked to write a 500 word essay on a topic that is familiar to you. 
    • How much time will it take?  
    • What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part? 
    • What will you do first? Then what steps will  you follow?  
Again, in a comment below, quickly share your ideas in response to this question.
Remember to check the "Notify me" box before you publish your comment.
Zemach, D. E., Broudy, D. & Valvona, C. (2011). Writing Research Papers: From Essay to Research Paper. Oxford: Macmillan.


  1. For me it will take around 45 minutes. The easiest part of writing an essay is a summary because I will have all main ideas and supporting detail for the essay. All I have to do is just combining every points and summarize. The most challenging part for me is an introduction because an introduction is a hooker that could attract people's attention and make them start being interested in the topic. After reading an introduction, people need to be interested in and willing to read the following paragraphs. The first thing that I will do in order to write an essay is drawing and complete a mind mapping since it could help me to arrange information and write all essential detail completely. The next step is to write an introduction that is the most difficult and challenging part in my point of view.

  2. How much time will it take?
    - On a familiar topic, it would takes me around an hour or less.

    What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part?
    - The most challenging part will certainly be the introduction. Because, in my opinion, the introduction is the part which makes reader decides that this essay is worth reading or not.
    - The easiest part, I think, is the conclusion. Because the conclusion is, basically, the whole essay in summary.

    What will you do first? Then what steps will you follow?
    - I will certainly pick the importance components which I want to state in my essay first. Then I will gather information related to those components such as examples to support the components I picked.

  3. In my opinion, I may spend about 1 hour to write 500-word essay on the familiar issue. The conclusion is the easiest part of my essay because this part only restates thesis statement of introduction and topic sentences of all body paragraphs. Absolutely, the introduction will be the most challenging part of my essay because the thesis statement is embedded to this part, which is a conductor of whole essay. Moreover, the introduction has to appeal to all readers at first sight; therefore, I have to write this part thoroughly. When I have to write this type of essay, I will start with brainstorming and managing my idea. After that I will write introduction, body and summary, respectively. Then this draft needs to be checked and edited before submitting.

  4. Imagine that I have been asked to write a 500-essay on a topic that is familiar to me. I usually write a 250-word essay about 40-60 minutes. So, I think I will take a 500-word essay about 80-120 minutes.

    In my opinion, the easiest part of essay is conclusion part because I can bring other parts to write in the conclusion part. As for the most challenging parts are main point and supporting sentences because I have to write many ideas, examples and details in the parts.

    Before I write the essay, I need to write a draft at first. I often draft in map tree which there are keywords of ideas. Then I get started to write introduction part, main point part and conclusion part.

  5. If I have to write a 500 word essay on a topic, I approximately need 1 hour to finish it.
    The easiest part for me is the introduction because this part is the first of all information in the essay. I can create and link interesting connection of the topic to introduce how this essay is important for readers. However, the most challenging part is the part following the first one, the body including of supporting ideas. All important information of the essay is in this part. So, you should write them carefully such as reasons, compatibles and examples. This part will need all of your ideas.
    Firstly, I will plan what is in my mind about that topic and write them as brainstorms. Then, I will follow with the introduction paragraph, the supporting paragraph and the summary, respectively.

  6. For me, it will take around an hour or more to write a 500 word essay on a topic that I am familiar with. The conclusion is the easiest part because it is a short paragraph and I can restate the ideas from previous part. On the contrary,the body paragraph is the most challenging part since sometime I have no idea about the supporting details that can convince other people to believe. The first step I will do when writing this essay is brainstorming. After getting the ideas I will outline the content of each paragraph. The next step will be writing the introduction and conclusion and then filling the body. The last two steps will be check and correction the paper.

  7. Thank you for sharing your ideas here - I hope you have also enjoyed, or at least found useful, the variation in ideas. We have quite different ideas about which are the easiest and which the most difficult parts. I especially like that you have been adding some reasons to explain the different ideas.

  8. For me, it will take about an hour to finish a 500-word essay on a familiar topic . I may spend 10 minutes to brainstorm ideas and 50 minutes to explain my ideas.

    In my point of view, the easiest part of the essay is "body." The body is the main part of the essay. It's easy to develop your idea after you have already planed. The most challenging part is "introduction." In my opinion, just a sentence or two at the beginning of an article can truly grab both good and bad impression from the reader. If it is good, it will lead the reader into the story. This is why there are so many styles of introduction in the world of writing.

    The first thing that I always do is analyzing the topic. I always read it two times to make sure that I understand the question well. After that I brainstorm my own ideas and then make a list. The second one is explaining my ideas following the plan. Normally, my essay contains of three main parts; introduction, body and conclusion. Lastly, I will check spelling errors and grammatical mistakes.


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