Monday 26 May 2014

Fight fire with fire

Sometime, it will be easier to get through tough situation with someone who knows what to do and how to do. Getting help from experts is a good idea because they have trained for a long time. If you have to hire an expert to help your task, but it is against your company’s law. Should you take a risk?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

According to FBI 'could hire hackers on cannabis' to fight cyber crime, the FBI could be set to reverse its policy of not hiring staff who have smoked marijuana. The FBI needs to hire hackers to compete with cyber criminals, but it also will not hire anyone who smoked weed in the past three years. Unfortunately, a lot of hackers like to smoke weed.

Expert is a person with special knowledge, skill or training in something. They can recommend an useful advice to help our serious task. Although expert might be criminals, they still have much experience in their field. I enjoyed watching movies, and i like to relate news with movies. In this case, this news reminds me of movie called Catch me if you can. This film was directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. Both of them are good actor and they are my favorite actors. In the end of this movie Frank Jr.(Leonardo DiCaprio) who is criminal that FBI is chasing, changes his mind not to escapes and help Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks), an FBI agent who specializes in bank fraud. They start working on another faulty check together.

Hiring criminal to deal with crime is like fight fire with fire. In this case, FBI need to hire hackers, but most of hackers smoke weed. Every companies will not hire employee who has criminal background. Conducting criminal background checks can protect company property and safety of other employee. Is it worth hiring professional hackers who smoke weed to help FBI from tough situation that only them can do it?

Kelion, L. (2014, May 22). FBI 'could hire hackers on cannabis' to fight cybercrime. BBC News Technology. Retrieved May 25, 2014 from


  1. Bank has kindly suggested several controversial issues for us to argue about.

    Which one do you want to discuss first?

  2. Should decent citizens who have not harmed anyone else be given a criminal record by their own government? Giving citizens a criminal record harms the citizen. It also harms others, such as employers like the FBI in Bank's example.

    Are laws that make marijuana and other drugs illegal just or unjust?
    Are governments doing the morally wrong thing when they punish good and productive citizens for enjoying themselves without hurting anyone else?

  3. And then there is the very practical question: as Bank's example suggests, it is not clear that laws against some drugs help society at all. In fact, it appears that these laws by the government harm society. Is that a good reason to make a law?

    Who is helped by laws that, for example, make marijuana illegal? Which groups in society benefit from these laws against some popular pleasures of mature adults?


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