Tuesday 13 May 2014

Bereavement motivate for becoming a brand new person

"Bereavement" is a thing that everyone doesn't want to meet but we can't avoid it. How many people let their motivation for becoming a brand new person or do something good indeed in your life. Absolutely, in our life we will meet "dead" no mater who we are.

According to "Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes's daughter, Frieda : Why I'm becoming a counsellor", the painter and the poet decided to train themselves as a bereavement counselor following their losses her mother killing herself, her father dying of cancer, and later her brother Nicholas taking his own life. It was a doubtful that how did she deal with her tragedy?
I’m one of bereavement when I was in college, I lost grandma’s sister in the middle month of 2009 because dying of tuberculosis and she was admitted in ICU for many months then she died finally. Even my family regretted, and learned that everyone who is born must get old, get sick, and eventually die. I recognize that I spend many days in funeral.

Following my losses my gay friend passed away, he was hit by car in 2010. I got phone call from my friend, he asked ma that did you recognize Tae our friend, and I replied “yes” then he told me that Tae was hit by car on early morning, his body was on the temple (second pavilion at a temple) and we hung up the phone. I was thinking of that conversation then I realized that his body was on the temple, so it means that he died already but I fooled myself until I went to the temple with my friends and teachers then we saw his body, we started to cry a lot even we didn’t want to see his body at the first time, and we were not denied ourselves. I talked to many friends, everyone said life is uncertain and we should love each other more than in the past.
I learned from two bereavement when I meet friends or cousins, I will greet them suddenly because if you wait or you think that you can greet your friend later, are you sure that will you have a chance to see your friend again. Likewise, before Tae my friend died I saw him in university but I didn’t greet him because I thought that I can greet him later, it’s alright. After I came back from his funeral, I was thinking of it so many times. In addition, this event taught me that if you have any plan to do, just do it or if you want to do good indeed to people who you love then do it include show them your love. Please don’t wait until late because we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

It’s good news for me that Frieda reminds me of my bereavement. I always conscious of the fact in life. I joined the meditation; I see everything clear about life is uncertain and whatever you want to do, just do it but make sure that it is unhurt others. That’s why I try to do anything what I want because we were born in once time of our life.

Hughes, Frieda. (the collection The Book of Mirrors) (Bloodaxe Books 2009). BBC World Service. Retrieved May 13, 2014 from http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27377434

Venema , Vibeke. Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes's daughter Frieda: Why I'm becoming a counsellor. (May 13, 2014). BBC World Service. Retrieved May 13, 2014 from http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27377434


  1. Her work is not exactly cheerful, but I love Sylvia Plath's poetry. One of my favourites is her brilliant "Daddy", which you can read here, or which you can listen to the author herself read on YouTube.

    But be warned: it's not cheerful, just brilliant.

  2. Your story reminds me of my bereavement that I lost my grandfather last year. It made me very sad and always cried when I were alone and thought of him but I could pass this sadness because my brother reminded me that everyone must die and I did as a good niece as I can, he would be proud of me.

    However, The sadness of bereavement isn't easy to control but if we always keep the fact of life in mind and think positively, it will be better.


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