Friday 13 June 2014

A modern issue: crime and punishment - group 1

Our society regularly punishes people. If people do something that is against the law, they are punished in various ways. If a person does something that a majority disapprove of, she might be punished by the majority, for example by being stoned to death for marrying a man her family disapproves of. If a child angers his parents, they might respond with punishment.

Some questions that come to mind on this modern issue that concerns many include:
  • When and why is punishment acceptable? 
  • What punishments are effective? And ineffective? 
  • What sorts of punishments are appropriate? What are inappropriate punishments? 
  • Most important:
    Must we punish? Why should we punish? I mean, what should the purposes of punishment be? And what should they not be? 
In a comment, respond with your ideas to the following: 
For example, imagine someone has committed a murder, or a few murders.
  • Should that person be punished? 
  • How and why should the murderer be punished? How not and why not? 


  1. If someone committed a murder, he should be punished because he violates the right to live of the person he murders.

    The murderer should be punished by receiving a jail sentence. The period of the punishment depends on his intention and the act of the murder. During his sentence, he should be educated on his crime, for example, how he violates the rights of others by killing them and why he is punished.

  2. According to the reading, I believe that person who do things against the law should be punished. However, the punishment should implement in the appropriate way due to the particular action of the person. For example, if the person steal stuffs from the grocery store, the punishment might be very serious or if the person kill someone, the punishment must be taken seriously such as send this person to jail for entire life. The reason why we should punish is that the punishment will make bad person realize that what they do is disapproved from the majority. Furthermore, the purpose of the punishment should not only be making person realize, but it should be the tool to prepare his/her to face with life after the process is finished.

  3. Yes, he should (it also depends on the age of the murderer).

    The punishment he should get is also depends on the intention of his crime. If he/she intentionally did the crime, then he should be at least sentenced to imprison for around 20-30 yrs or maybe more. I believed that every person can change for better if we give him/her enough time and 20-30 yrs would be enough time for them to realize how grave his/her crime is. Also 20-30 yrs inside the prison are already ruin prisoner's life enough, it maybe even worse punishment than killing them.

    To conclude, I believe life is important and can get better so if we have to punish the criminal just imprison them not killing them.

  4. the people who committed a murder shold be punished because murder is a serious crime. I think there are the law that restrict murder in every countries in the world. The person who against the law should be punished but the punishment must not cruel. In this case, I think the murder shold stay in jail up to 20 years but the murder should not be killed.
    In my opinion, death sentence shold be abandoned. Because of death penalty, murder might want to kill every related personal evidence so the police can not investigate.

  5. Everyone should be punished for their wrong doings. This is not related to only a religious belief in Karma, it is also related to and important to the peaceful state of societies. Therefore, I think a murderer should be punished. The best way to punish a murderer is to give them a useful task to do. I do not agree with fines and jails because these kinds of punishments do not make us have a better society, and it's not fair for everyone.

  6. In my opinion, if someone committed a murder, he should be punished in order to make him realize that the thing he did was wrong and immoral. However, I think that how the murderer should be punished must depend on the severity level of that murder. Some people may did a murder because of their contemporary emotions, so we should give him an opportunity to improve his behavior to be better. In this case, the murderer should be punished only in a form of sending him to jail not executing him. However, since murder is quite a severe form of crime, the punishment must not be too soft. We should not just fine him for the crime he did because he will never feel anything from being softly punished.

  7. The person that has committed a murder should definitely be punished. Murdering someone is against the law. We have law to keep the community peaceful. Everyone should obeys the law. If someone broke the law and there is no punishment, other people might start doing it and it will bring chaos to the community.

    How the murderer should be punish should depends on the murder's age and his intentions. For example, An 40-year-old man should get a more serious punishment than an 8-year-old boy for the same crime. The intentions also counts. Murdering someone out of self defense should get lighter punishment than the intention of wanting to kill someone.

  8. To live in any society, we need rules to generate security. The rules should protect someone's right. The rules should not allow troubles happen. Punishment is the tool resulting from the rules. If someone breaks the rules, that one should get punishment in order to maintain happiness of the society. However, the punishment must be reasonable. The purpose of punishment should be making the bad behavior not to happen again, not for the revenge or responding to anger. In fact, it is worth to concern about how much to punish someone for something because the process of catching the wrong guy may occur a mistake. Therefore, punishment is very fragile. We need a serious consideration before punishing someone as it may change his/her life forever.

  9. Crime and punishment is one of argumentative issues in contemporary society. Some may argue that we should punish criminals to deter other people who plan or want to commit crime. However, it is obvious that the old styles of punishment cannot reduce crime in almost every society. It's time to think differently about crime and punishment.

    In my opinion, we should avoid punishment and try to explain to the criminals who were caught why they should not commit crime; how other people get in trouble from their vicious behavior; the importance of rights in lives and properties. Punishment cannot help, because their minds are not better when they are in jails. Jails cannot correct their behavior. In contrast, compassion and moral education can help. I believe that they were not born to be bad people. Society and environment push them to misbehave.

  10. I believe that if someone has committed a murder, that person shouldn't be punished right away. The person might indeed do something wrong but the person' intention of committing the murder might be acceptable. This could be a reason why the criminal trial usually considers both action and intention. Without intention, the murderer might not be necessary to be responsible for that alone. To make thing a bit clearer, it is just like what states in a demand theory. The demand of things would not complete without both ability to buy and a need to purchase.

    If the person have to be punished because the person did committed a murder, the level of punishment should be severe enough to teach other people that committing this crime is forbidden. For example, I actually think that a sentence to death is suitable for a criminal who committed a serious crime and had an effect on people mind.

  11. Personally, I would like to have a criminal be punished. No matter it's a few or not, there is no exception for people who do things bad and unacceptable to our society. In order to maintain peace of the society, everyone should follow the strict rules or they should leave to stay alone. Also, the same rules must be applied to everyone without exception. The measure to punish should be hard enough to stop them doing it again, but level of the severity depends on the crime committed.

    I am partly agree to the Roman(?) rule of government. If the murder did what, he should get the punishment the same what she did. For example, if he killed other people, he must be sent to death. If he rape someone, he must be cut his penis or be rape back by gay. The latter example is just kidding.

  12. I think that person should be punished because taking someone else's life should not be taken lightly. However, I would consider the reason or motive for that person to murder someone before making a decision on how to punish that person because there are some reasons or motives that can justify the killing of another person.

    For example, when you kill someone in self defense or you did not intentionally commit the murder. These people should not be punished so severely because the person in the first example just defensed him/herself or other people against an attacker. You have to ask yourself, wouldn't you do the same thing to protect your own life or the lives of the ones you love. For the second example, I don't think people should be punished for the rest of their lives just for an accident. In my opinion, these people should be punished accordingly to the reasons or motive they committed the crime.

    For serial killers or the person who kills for joy or hired hit man, I think they should be punished severely such as, being jailed for the rest of their lives, because they have taken the lives of people with no good reason.

  13. In my opinion, the person who committed a critical murder or crime must get a fully punishment because he/she does a wrong thing and it will be an example to others younger generations. If we do not punish them, Where is a justice ? For instant, If a man steal something form market and no one punished him, He will be an icon for a child about the the stealing. The better method that i think for punish is come form the Newton's law - Action equal Reaction. For example, If a man raped a women, he must be raped by others for punishment. Another example is If you kill others person, you must be killed too.

  14. If supposed someone has committed a murder, or a few murders, should they deserved to be punished? I think we should consider about the reason why they did first? Did they intend to do that or it happen accidentally. For example, if someone unintentionally killed a thief in order to protect himself from the assault or stealing, he should not be punished; on the other hand, if someone intend to commit a murder, I think they should absolutely be punished.

    There are numerous ways of punishments - fine, detention or death. These ways should be considered with the consequences following committing murders.

  15. In my opinion, a punishment is justified if it is by law that respects Human rights. It is acceptable that the punishment is done,ideally, to prevent the convict from committing the same crime. However, the punishment must not dehumanize the prisoners and has another measure to prepare them for returning to the society again.

    Punishment would be dubbed effective if it persuade the prisoners to not repeat their crimes. However, it is arguable of what kind of punishment could do that. I think the punishment should demonstrate the sorrow and pain of those who are offended. An ineffective punishment, for example, is a kind of harassing or torturing the prisoners that they hold grudges against the law.

  16. I think that person should be punished because that person is a bad example of other people. if there is a punishment, there might be fewer murders. The punishment makes people fear to do bad things.

    However, the punishment do not too dangerous. It should be an equipment to warn people live in right way and not threaten or annoy the others. The punishment should not be serious as much as died because The dead is not helpful to any person. I think everybody is important and valuable to our society.


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