Wednesday 11 June 2014

Imagine writing an essay. CSC group 2

After asking us to reflect on the reasons for writing essays, Zemach, Broudy and Valvona  next ask us to imagine writing a short essay (2011, p. 2).
  •  Imagine that you have been asked to write a 500-word essay on a topic that is familiar to you:
    • How much time will it take you? 
    • What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part? 
    • What will you do first? Then what steps will you follow? 
Again, response write your ideas on this question in a comment. 

Zemach, D. E., Broudy, D. & Valvona, C. (2011). Writing research papers: From essay to research paper. Oxford: Macmillan Education.


  1. 1. It will take at least 2 hours.
    2. In my opinion, the easiest part is the body part and the most challenging part is the introduction.
    3. I will think what I have to write the essay and answer the question of it. The first step is to brainstorm and organize my ideas. Then I will think about supporting evidences of each idea. The next step is to writing the body paragraphs and follow by introduction and conclusion. Finally, I will review my essay and check some mistakes.

  2. 1. It will take around 2 hours.
    2. The easiest part must be the introduction and the conclusion because it's what's already in my mind. The most challenging part is the body of the essay because it has to show a lot of details, or even reliable evidences, to support the whole idea of the essay.
    3. I will do the easiest part which is the introduction, then list the points I'll plan to write in the story, then write the story or the body part, then finally leads to the conclusion.

  3. It takes me approximately an hour to compose a 500-word essay depending on the difficulty of the topic. Most of the times i found that the questions are too abstract to give a concrete answer. However, generally, the easiest part of the essay is a body. We don't have to find a fabulous start , or so-called a hook, to attract a reader or find the concise conclusion to make a firm and impressive ending. The most challenging part in my point of view is the beginning paragraph. It's difficult to sharply define the whole story in a paragraph. There are many factors to be taken into account, such as direction, tonation, width, length or even readers. Therefore, when i have to compose an essay, i will start with outlining the structure, by giving opinions or ideas, supporting sentences and examples thereof. This will help me cover every necessary idea and example to make a convincing essay. In addition, the logical outline will help make the good organization. Then, I will write the introduction, body and conclusion in order.

  4. -I think probably 2 hour for me its depend on the topic. If the topic is related to my fields like science, environmental I can handle it in 1 hour. On the other hand, If topic is not related to my field so I think it should be 2 or more than 2 hours to finished it.
    -The easiest part is the introduction of my essay because I can just put the main idea of my topic in this part and the most challenging part is the last paragraph because I have to summarize all the things that i wrote before.
    For the last question, I think I will listed the main ideas that I want to writes in the essay and then writes each idea into each paragraph then connected all paragraph with conclude paragraph. The last one, I will read my essays again to revise some word or sentence.

  5. How much time will it take you?
    I should spend at least 1 hour and half to complete it depending on the topic.

    What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part?
    To me, the easiest part is introduction while the most challenging part is the conclusion.

    What will you do first? Then what steps will you follow?
    First, I will think about an outline of the writing. Then I will put some supporting ideas to each paragraph in the outline. After that I can start my writing by following the outline I have made.

  6. 1. About 2 hours 2. The easiest part is the body because it just tells the main idea and put the support evident. The most challenging part is the introduction because it is hard to introduce all the information in the short paragraph.
    3. First, I will write the body, the conclusion and the introduction.

  7. 1. I think it will take me for 2 hour to finish a 500-word essay.
    2. Personally, the easiest part for me is the conclusion because it just paraphrases what I wrote in the introduction and the body paragraph. In contrast, the most challenging part for me is the body paragraph because I need to think about specific details and examples to support the main idea.
    3. The first thing I will do is thinking about the main idea and the reasons or supporting evidences. Then I will write the introduction and body paragraphs. Finally, I will end with the conclusion.

  8. 1. It depends on the topic and my knowledge about that topic, and I think it may take more than two hours.
    2. I think the easiest part of essay is the body, and the most challenging part is the introduction.
    3. The first thing that I do is write the outline of the essay. Then, I will start to write the body, conclution, and introduction, respectively.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1. I think time that we use to write an essay depends on what is the topic that you write. For me it may take like 2 or 3 hours to finish it.
    2. The easiest part may be the conclusion for me because I already know that what am I talking about. On the other hand, the most challenging part for me is the introduction because you need to convince the reader and make it clear to understand.
    3. The first thing that I always do is trying to make an outline of the overall essay. Then I will write about it following my outline. The sequence of the essay will be introduction, body and conclusion.

  11. - The time I normally spend to write a 500-word essay may range from 1-2 hours but could take up to 3 hours, if such essay requires some research before writing.

    - The easiest part for me might be when to brainstorm all the ideas before starting writing. On the other hand, the most challenge may derive from the difficulty to organize a great number of ideas I came up at the beginning and link them together.

    - Before writing any kind of essay, I normally start off by making an outline -- to form a structural writing. Then, I will find supporting details and attach them to each related idea in each outlined paragraph. Follow such step repeatedly for the whole outline. Once finishing with the outline, I will start writing the essay using the complete outline.

  12. - It will take about 2 hours to write a 500-word essay on my familiar topic.

    -For me, the easiest part is the body of the essay. The most challenging part is the introduction because it should be organized to convinc the ideas with link to the body and should be interesting for the readers.

    -The first step to write the essay is thinking about the topic that how I can support the ideas. The next step, I make the outline and then I write the introduction, body, and conclusion to complete the essay.

  13. 1. I may take about 2 hours to finish a 500-word essay. However, it does depend on what particular topic again.

    2. The easiest part would be brainstorming as you can write any ideas or opinions that come up in your mind. The most challenging part would be to write the introduction of the essay. This is because the introduction must state the topic sentence which at the same time must be interesting and catch reader's eye.

    3. I will plan my essay by doing the brainstorm first. Brainstorm in this case means both the main idea and supporting details/evidences. Then, I will draft my essay by beginning with the introduction and conclusion. Moreover, I will write my selected ideas or details in a organised way so that reader can easily follow and understand. This means having one main idea per paragraph. After done with drafting an essay, I will read it over again and revise if there are any grammatical or meaning errors.

  14. - I will take 1 and a half hour.
    - The easiest part is providing support ideas and conclusion. After I mention main idea, I can give another ideas that support or related to main idea easily. If I have to write essay in my familiar topic, I will put my experience in writing. For the most challenging part, it always difficult to start. Brainstorming is the hardest part for me. I have to decide my essay and arrange main idea for each paragraph. This part will spend most of the time.
    - The first thing I will do is set the topic and main idea. Next, organize the outline and provide supporting details. Then write the essay in order that I planed.

  15. If I was asked to write a 500-word essay in familiar topic, it would take approximately 50-60 minutes to finish. The easiest part in writing an essay is the conclusion because I do not have to think about the new idea or argument. In the conclusion, I just might restate the main points of the essay again with paraphrasing and make a suggestion. Personally, I think the most challenging part of the essay is the introduction because it need to attract the reader. The introduction is the first part that the reader will see on the essay. If this part is not interesting, the reader may not want to read the other parts. Moreover, the introduction need to be organized to tell roughly about what the essay comprise of and tell what is the main idea of the essay. To write a essay in effective way, the first thing that I would like to do is thinking all idea that popping up in my brain about the topic. Then, I will choose the main supporting ideas to be the main points of body paragraph. Another thing that I will do is organizing such main points. I will decide what will come first and later so that when someone read the essay, it is easy to follow the whole idea. After I have done all of processes so far, I will start writing the essay respectively from the introduction to conclusion.

  16. First, I think it might take me one and a half hour for writing 500 words essay in my familiar topic - mathematics. Because I need a half an hour to brainstorm about what the main topic is and what the subtopic are, fifty minutes for writing and the last ten minutes for review.

    Second, the easiest part is thinking about what ideas I should add in the essay. But the hardest part is how to make sure that every people can understand with what I write in the essay.

    Third, the first thing I am going to do is finding the most interesting topic that everyone like and I can easily find supporting ideas. Then I will find examples that support each idea. After all the process of brainstorm is done, it is time to start writing the essay. Take time and make everything clear. Finally, review the essay and make sure that there is nothing wrong. Done.


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