Wednesday 11 June 2014

Imagine writing an essay. CSC group 1

After asking us to reflect on the reasons for writing essays, Zemach, Broudy and Valvona  next ask us to imagine writing a short essay (2011, p. 2).
  •  Imagine that you have been asked to write a 500-word essay on a topic that is familiar to you:
    • How much time will it take you? 
    • What will be the easiest part? The most challenging part? 
    • What will you do first? Then what steps will you follow? 
Again, response write your ideas on this question in a comment. 

Zemach, D. E., Broudy, D. & Valvona, C. (2011). Writing research papers: From essay to research paper. Oxford: Macmillan Education.


  1. Sorry - I don't want to share my ideas on these questions just yet.

  2. - I think I will have to spend about half an hour.
    - The easiest part will be the examples and the most challenging part will be how I can organize the essay in a precise and complete one.
    - I will design the organization of my essay first. Then I will start developing main and supporting ideas related to the topic. After that, I will try to think of best examples. Finally, I will start write them all down and finish with a conclusion.

  3. - 30 to 45 mins
    - the easiest part should be the introduction. The hardest part should be filling in description in the body
    - I will do an outline in a piece of paper first, then I will write an introduction. If I use a computer I will roughly write the conclusion second, then the body of the essay.

  4. To write a 500-word essay, I will take time about 45 minutes.

    The easiest part is introduction and the most challenging part is conclusion.

    the first thing I will do is thinking what I will write. Then, I will order the things that I will write.

  5. For writing an essay in familiar topic, it may take about 30-40 minutes for me to complete it. And the easiest part is the body of the essay as it contains the main thought and example so that the reader could be enjoy. The most challenging part for me is an introduction because a good introduction that can catch reader's interest need an advance technique.

  6. Since it's the topic I'm familiar with, I would not spend a lot time as other unfamiliar topics will take me. Maybe an hour or two with the complete ideas and checking for typos. The easiest part should be the description of the topics and the most challenging part should be finding the main ideas for each part of the essay as well as the introduction and the conclusion.
    I will write what I was thinking, all of them, firstly. No grammar. No complete sentences. Just write any ideas I can think about. After that, I will group my ideas together to put them under the same paragraph and begin to write it.

  7. To write a good essay, it will take me at least 1-2 hours depending on how familiar it is. The easiest part is thinking about the main ideas because they usually pop up in my head within a few minutes. The most challenging part, however, is filling in the details. I am not a good narrator and, worse than that, I am also slow in typing.

  8. 500-word essay on a familiar topic would take me around 40 to 60 minutes to make it complete. The easiest part for me will be the conclusion since I have already organized everything on my previous paragraphs. The most challenging part would be the introduction that I have to tone the way of my essays.

    When I write the essays I usually think about the main idea I will write in each paragraph including introduction, body and conclusion. Afterward I will elaborate my idea in details and also think of some example if time allows.

  9. If I have been asked to write a 500-words essay on my familiar topic. I don't think I will spend much time for that because I am get used to this topic.
    Regarding the easiest part of the essay, I think I will start with the introduction part first because I may have had a pattern of writing in my mind already. Moreover, because I am familiar with my topic, I might have known the end of the story I will write already.

    On contrary, the most challenging part is about the body of the essay. I think it is quite difficult part and I need time to think what I will write it about.

  10. 500 - word essay would probably takes me about 40 minutes to finish. I think the easiest part on the essay is the conclusion as you already raise all the topics and this part requring just the paraphrase all information you have. The most callenging part of the essay is the introduction because this part should be able to attract people to read the whole thing. I think if the introduction part is boring and people decide not to read it, your work will just be in the trash. The first step I would do when writting essay is finding supporting ideas and decorating the ideas. Then, I will be moving to the introduction to match with the idea and the essays topic then conclusion.

  11. According to my TOEFL statistics, I was able to write 300-word essays about my familiar topics in 30 minutes; therefore, for a 500-word essay, I may spend about 1 hour to finish it.

    The easiest part of writing essay is when i have to give examples to illustrate the reasons I discuss about. For the most challenging part of writing an essay, I think it is when I have to find reasons to support my opinion.

    Every time I have to write an essay, I will think of the supporting reasons first.

    1. I love your idea! When I was writing an essay I sometimes forgot to think of the supporting reason. Your idea of writing an essay remind me not to forget that part. Thanks!

  12. If I am asked to write a 500-word essay on a topic that I am familiar with, I think it will take me an hour. The easiest part would be describing the detail or experience I know the best. The most challenging part would be how to link different ideas together as one logical and coherent piece of writing. Before I start writing, I am going to brainstorm ideas, then find the central idea or thesis of what I will write about. After that I put ideas into groups, normally three, which would support my thesis.

  13. I think the time used depends on the quality of work. If I don't care much about it. I can write it within 10 minutes. But, in case of an sample essay for graduate admission, I took 3 days for writing 700-word essay. I checked it again and again. Changed a lot of words and phrase many many times.

    The easiest part is body, because I must have some tentative plan what I wanna write while the hardest part is an introduction. I have to crystallize my ideas and express it as a thesis statement. Moreover, I have to find the way to attract readers when they read my first paragraph. The first paragraph must be very creative.

  14. I think I will use 1 hour to complete the 500-word essay.
    I think the easiest part of the essay is introduction because introduction section can written by use data from others literature and re-organize it or paraphrase it. On the other hand, the most challenging section of essay is discussion section because it must use a lot of integrated thought to create it. I will do the introduction first. Time's up

  15. It will take me about 30 minutes. The easiest part will be the conclusion part of the essay and the most challenging part will be the introduction part. I will first think of my main idea, a topic sentence and the purpose of the essay. Then, I will think about the examples of my main ideas and how to introduce them to the readers. I will have to know first that what type of readers I am going to write for, what kind of knowledge they have, are they experts in the field that I am writing about or not.

  16. If I have to write 500 word essay on a familiar topic, it will take approximately 2 hours to write. The easiest part would be the body of the essay. The most challenging part is planing part because it will make it control the idea and detail of the essay.

    When I start writing an essay, it usually begin with thinking all I can think about this topic and then organize it and start writing.

  17. I think it will take me roughly about 3 hours to write a 500-word essay.

    The most challenging part would be the process before I start writing it. The easiest part would be writing it.

    The first thing I am going to do is think about what I want to write, what I want to tell other people. After that I would just make some draft on paper. Reread what I wrote and write the final draft.


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